👗 My New 3-Tier Wardrobe System
*This is an archival newsletter from 16/6/23
Body & Style is getting a makeover!
I recently watched Hannah Witton’s behind-the-scenes of her rebrand and was a little obsessed (you know how I get). I realised that there are so many elements of Body & Style which are not in sync and that I want to do something about it. I have been sampling colour palettes, reimagining thumbnails, listing fonts and I am definitely getting somewhere!
We all have a brand, whether you have a business or social media like me, and style plays a huge role. Visual consistency/repetition/cohesion is a key factor in any stylish wardrobe and the things you choose to repeat say the most about you. If you are struggling with the idea of expressing your style authentically, why not think of it as your branding for a week and see how you go!
🩸Podcast - Sounds Like a Cult I have been making an effort for the first time in my life to go to the gym almost every day and my strongest motivation has been the chance to listen to this podcast. I read the book Cultish which was written by Amanda Montell, one of the podcasters of the show, last year and loved it, so I was so excited to stumble upon this. They discuss the ‘cult’ in culture, with anything from MLMs to Taylor Swift.
🧺 YouTube - Christina Mychas | This YouTube channel has inspired me so much over the past week to take a more curated approach to my wardrobe Christina takes a minimal approach to her style, and I am in love with her very selective wardrobe.
🎵 TikTok - The Thrifty Swiftie | Thanks to Ginnie, I have never felt more in touch with the swiftie community. For a few years I felt a little lost with what to do with my love for Taylor Swift, I didn’t have the money to buy merchandise which seemed to be the only way to celebrate her as an artist. TikTok has completely changed that; there is now this incredible community of creators which makes me feel so in touch with what is going on in the community and with Taylor
🤠New shoes - Cowboy Boots from Moda in Pelle |These days it is quite rare I buy something new. I have always been aversed to the idea of online shopping because the process of shopping is a social and physical experience at its best I think. With that said, the high street is becoming increasingly more limited and the fact that I can rarely find anything in a XS where I live has prompted me recently to branch out on the internet. I have become in desperate need of some new neutral summer shoes as my white reebok’s are beyond giving them a little clean now, and so using Shop Style I searched for some upgrades for some of my most tired summer shoes and I am so excited to finally have some cowboy boots and trainers in my colour palete
Something about me you might have gathered by now is that when I get that itch I have to scratch it. I am always thinking of new ideas, and when they appear I have to do something about them. This week’s lightbulb was a new system for organising my wardrobe: the 3 Tier Wardrobe System (name needs some work, any ideas welcome!)
The idea is that you split your clothes into three tiers or ‘rungs’. Over time, you would aim to shred your outer rung and get as many items in your wardrobe as possible closer to/within the inner circle
inner rung | these are the pieces which match your body type, essence, colour season and style roots perfectly
middle rung | these items will be either: the perfect shape but the wrong colour, the perfect colour but the wrong shape, or almost perfect in both categories
outer rung | these items include your sentimental items that don’t match YOU, the things you were drawn to randomly, the purely practical items
What’s new at Body & Style?
🎨 New Branding | This week has been all abou tthe brand. I experimented with the colours I wanted to use, and you can see a draft I put together here of what I want my Instagram to lok like! Colour is such an important part of my brand and so I wanted that to be reflected in my social media
🖊️ Share your thoughts on Body & Style | I want to know what you think about me! I am collecting data on the image of my brand from the name I use and the colours you associate with me. It will take a couple of minutes of your time but makes a great impact for the content you receive!
New Uploads:
👙 YouTube - Dress for Your Kibbe Body Type, for BEGINNNERS
👚 TikTok - I used to wear white until I found my essence colour
😇 TikTok - Are ethereals more beautiful than other essences?
Ask Me a Question!
I would love to use this newsletter to get to know you guys a little and create a little community of style fanatics! This newsletter is a great opportunity to answer some of your biggest questions.
If you would like to submit one you can do so using the button below (there were some problems with the form last week but that should be sorted now!):