find your self, find your style

Welcome to Body & Style!

My name is Ellie-Jean and I am here to help you express your TRUE self: first we find YOU, then we find your style.

The Essentials

My services

If you want me to analyse YOUR features and find your perfect silhouettes, colours and style roots then book a package with me! More information on my โ€˜servicesโ€™ page, click below:

Join the Community

Style Scholars is a network of people who want to level up their personal style. Each week, I host a livestream where I run workshops, answer your questions and share resources!

Our Products

guides, notion templates, workbooks

I have created affordable, yet value-packed resources to guide you. Whether youโ€™re struggling with what to wear for your body type, your best colours or your style roots I have a handy guide for you.

โ€˜curate yourselfโ€™ newsletter

I am on a mission to create the best personal-style newsletter in the world. Each week I share my favourite lessons that will help you achieve your dream wardrobe.

  • how-to guides for personal style including: body types, style roots, colour seasons and more

  • style methods, systems and lessons

  • interesting content curated for style enthusiasts

  • Your questions answered

Recent Posts

find your style roots | QUIZ

Every day women ask me โ€œwhat if my body type doesnโ€™t match my personal style?โ€. They feel let down by body typing systems which tell them they need to dress more timelessly, more feminine or more more bold when this doesnโ€™t feel like them on the inside.

My system โ€œStyle Rootsโ€ helps you define 3 core elements of your personal style, fuse them with each other + your body type with EVERY outfit you wear.

body types + essences

I fell in love with Kibbeโ€™s Image ID system this year and devoured every single resource I could on it. The idea is that you honour your natural line and dress in harmony with it. Rather than fighting your body, you embrace it and find the confidence that comes with that.

These โ€˜Image IDsโ€™ donโ€™t change as you age, as you gain or lose weight, as you go through pregnancy or childbirth, as you grow as a person. They are a rock, a guiding light, a steady anchor to hold on to as your body takes on the tolls of life, reminding you what is and has always been uniquely beautiful about you.

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